Category: Google

Manual Intervention per Matt C.

For the first time in my history of webmastering, Matt admitted in the Q/A at SMX Advanced that there is a level of manual intervention and detection with regards to backlinks. I figured the likes, but its interesting to see he is no longer trying to take a claim of “we are solely algorithmic”…

How to Track RSS Subscribers using Meta Refresh in Google Analytics

This is the first of many How to Video’s I am going to be creating throughout the course of 2008. I go into brief detail on how to setup a meta refresh on a intermediary page, thus allowing google analytics to track RSS subscribers, for any blog using feedburner. Please take note in the video […]

New Google universal result: spokeo query

spokeo query Originally uploaded by explainseo Very odd query done in google for “spokeo” Images are usually standalone. This is typically what a video result would look like. Not the case here however. I also find it interesting that there is a 43 sec notation right next to the site description, however, if you refresh […]

Link De-valuation coming in waves – Part II

Well as we all know, Google likes to play around with serious algorithm changes during the slow summer months. The competitor I mentioned several months back has appeared to have been hit by the link devaluation filter again. Has Google tuned up their filter after receiving paid links via its snitch report; subsequently reinstating it […]

How to find your Supplemental Pages?

Enter in the following into Google to find your supplemental pages: site:www. *** -sljktf UPDATE: Google has since removed this query from its arsenal. It no longer works. It is a sad day for webmasters every where.